Payment instructions

The conference fee is 190 EUR per paper. Conference fee is not necessary for invited conference papers (special invitation letter). Conference fee includes organizational and editorial costs.

The conference fee must be paid no later than September 21, 2018.
  • Conference fee per paper 190 EUR
  • Conference fee per invited paper 0 EUR

Please pay the conference fee in accordance with the following instructions.

Beneficiary's bank: Statna pokladnica

Beneficiary's bank address: Radlinskeho 32, 810 05 Bratislava 15

Beneficiary's account name: Presovska univerzita Presov

Beneficiary's address: 17. Novembra 15, Presov, 080 01, Slovakia

Beneficiary's account number: 7000199613/8180


IBAN: SK89 8180 0000 0070 0019 9613

Constant symbol: 0308

Variable symbol: 104201

Information for beneficiary: EAEP, Surnames of authors (important to identify payment)

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